Can I Use E Hookah Pens If I’m Not A Smoker?

Here’s a question that some of you may ask if you’re still new to the world of e hookah. The simple answer is “yes”, E Hookah pens are indeed safe for you to use regardless of whether or not you’re a smoker.

An e hookah pen contains a fruit juice which is vaporized. There is no nicotine in these pens and there is no harm in inhaling this vaporized fruit juice. They are typically made with water and organic ingredients. 

In any case, you should never opt in for a pen that contains nicotine unless you’re a smoker. offers a variety of e hookah or e shisha pens that do NOT contain any nicotine.

E Hookah E Shisha Pens




Article reference: More on the safety of E Hookah Pens